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Click here to donate to our Gears For Careers Fund so we can help people be ready for their new jobs!

To provide support to criminal justice involved individuals living in Franklin County by removing obstacles to employment such as needing appropriate clothing and footwear in order to obtain or maintain a job. 

If you are on supervision with Franklin County Adult Probation, living in Franklin County, Pa, can show proof of employment, and have no other means of obtaining gear for work, please fill out the request form below. Franklin Together will contact you regarding your request form.

Please note that we can only accept 2 requests per person, per 12 months, with a total up to $100. Requests are subject for review by Franklin Together staff, and availability of funding and donations.

Request Form

This program is available to anyone who meets the eligibility requirements and program limitations. Grants are not dependent on race, ethnicity, creed, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, age, religion, or gender.
